

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Kids Visit DollyWood

Late July, James & Madison took an impromptu trip with Grandpa Ed and Grandma Judy to Pigeon Forge, TN, the home of DollyWood.

On the first day after driving to Tennessee, and having dinner, they arrived at DollyWood around 5:00 pm.

J.T. and Madison rode the Teacups and everyone rode the Bumper cars.

J.T. practiced his marksmanship at the old fashioned rifle range arcade.

Later they left and went back to the hotel for a late night swim to cap off a busy first day.

The next morning after breakfast at the hotel, they drove around Pigeon Forge to see all of the shops in the area.

The kids were really impressed with a cool building called WonderWorld. You can see it pictured here. The kids liked the fact that the entire building was upside down. Even the inside!

After that it was time to return to DollyWood.

James rode the Tennessee Twister, a wild triple loop, 75 mph ride. It was so fast the ride only lasts for about 10 seconds. He had to ride by himself because everyone else was too afraid.

Everyone went to see a couple of shows.

In the middle of the 1st show, it was cancelled due to incoming severe weather. After grabbing a funnel cake for a mid day snack, it started pouring down rain like crazy. They sought refuge in Dolly's church. Even a soggy funnel cake tastes great!

After the rain stopped they went to one last show called: Country Tonight. It is a really cool show that every week a new country star comes to be on the show.

The last ride of the day was Grandpap, J.T., and Madison rode the rapids.
It was a great trip that everyone enjoyed!

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