

Friday, September 5, 2008

James (J.Leo) Collins - My Role Model

Role Model is not a title that one can bestow upon themselves.

It is a title that has to be given to you by someone that admires your qualities and actions, and aspires to be like you.

J. Leo Collins possessed many desirable qualities:

Industrious & Energetic: He was a hard worker that was always engaged in a number of projects. He loved to multi-task before the term was invented. His energy encouraged me to approach life in a similar fashion.

Intelligent: He used his logical approach to problem solving to help him become a mechanical engineer. Dad was also a voracious reader. He always looked to learn more and gain a better understanding of his interests. From a young age, I shared his love of reading and always knew that I wanted to grow up to be an Engineer like my Dad.

Competitive: He was a competitor in every endeavor he entered into. This included Drag Racing, Golf, Bonsai, Rabbit Raising, among many others. His competitive nature drove him to improve, learn, and strive to do his best. These are all traits that I have tried to incorporate in my life.

Engaging Conversationalist: Dad could carry on a meaningful conversation with anyone on a wide variety of topics. I was always amazed how easily he could find something in common with someone and have productive conversations.

Teacher: He really enjoyed sharing what he knew and has learned about his hobbies and interests. He had a great ability to teach without belittling or talking down to someone. It was always done with the interest of helping someone understand or improve themselves.

I am very proud to say that my Dad, J. Leo Collins, is my Role Model!

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