

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What a Difference a Week Makes

“It’s amazing the difference that a week can make.” That is the thought that went through my head this past Friday night as I was laying in a tent listening to the rain as the temperatures dropped into the 40s.

Let’s go back in time one week and see how this whole story unfolded….

Exactly one week earlier from that reflective moment I was at Disney World in my warm and cozy resort room with a view of Downtown Disney, after having spent the evening with Michelle at Epcot.

Michelle and I had travelled to Disney World earlier that day to spend a quick mini-vacation during her Fall break from college. My mom had come to North Carolina to visit and spend the weekend with the kids while we were gone.

It was a very nice break from work for me and from homework for Michelle, and the kids were spoiled by their Grandmother while we were away.

I left a day by day trip report of our Disney visit on my Disney World Blog, so I won’t rehash it here, but if you are interested just click here: Trip report.

Once Michelle and I returned home on Tuesday, it was time to get our house ready for the twice a year High Point Furniture Market. We scurried about and got the house in order and moved out on Thursday morning. We moved in with Ed and Judy, who graciously allow us to invade their home during this time.

This brings me to Friday October 17th. I had previously signed up for Boy Scout Leadership Outdoor Skills Training and this was the weekend for it. This was a weekend long, camping/training adventure that I shared with 50 other Scout leaders like myself.

I arrived at Camp Cherokee, about an hour’s drive from home, around 6:00 pm and the all day rain continued. I was placed into a Patrol with 6 other leaders that I would be getting to know and working with all weekend. About 8:00 pm we set out in the rain to hike to our campsite and set up our tents. After the tents were set up we went back to the dining hall for team building activities and information about what our weekend would entail. At about 11:00 pm we returned to our tents to get ready for bed.

This brings us back to the beginning of my story. As I laid there in my sleeping bag, I reflected on all that had gone on during my busy week and the extreme difference going from Disney resort to tiny tent in the rainy forest. It was all good. It just represented the varied paths that my life includes. This week had it all: Vacation, Work, Family, & Volunteering. It was a great week and I am very lucky.

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