

Friday, January 23, 2009

Braving The North Carolina Winter

Here we are 3 weeks into January already. I can’t believe how fast the New Year is flying by.

We are settling in to another typical North Carolina winter. A little over a week ago J.T. mowed the lawn during a nice 50+ degree weekend. We had been putting it off, but although the grass slows down here in the winter, it does not completely stop growing and it is necessary to mow it every few weeks.

Earlier this week we saw some severe weather that got the whole area nervous. We got a ¼” – ½” of snow. The schools were cancelled for the day, so no one had to be out and driving during that treacherous weather. Although I joke, we do tend to get ice with our snow since the weather is rarely below freezing for very long. This particular time didn’t have much ice, but they cancel schools to play it safe.

The kids tried to make the most of their snow time by sledding down the driveway on any little patch of the white stuff that they could find. By the time I came home from work it was all gone except for the snowball that J.T. had stashed in the freezer.

It has been tough adjusting to the brutal winters in NC, but don’t worry we are doing our best to deal with it.

Our cold spell appears to be ending as the thermometer is back above 60 again today.

Stay Warm!

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