

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday Teddy!

It was almost three years ago that I relented. I finally caved in and agreed to buy into the concept of getting a dog. Michelle researched dogs on the internet and the kids promised all the things that they would do to take care of the dog.

I asked them,

“I am not going to have to feed him, right?” “Right Dad!”
“I am not going to have to take him outside to go potty, right?” “Right Dad!”
“I am not going to have to take him for walks, right?” “Right, Dad!”
“I am not going to have to pick up dog poop, right?” “Right Dad!”

Despite their promises I was still leary. I was comfortable with the fact that I only had two children. I wasn’t mentally prepared to handle a third.

Nonetheless, Michelle found the dog of her dreams and had her heart set on getting it. The kids were on her side and I was out numbered. As I said before I relented.

Along Came Teddy

In March of 2006, we picked Teddy up at a gas station. That was quite an auspicious debut for a little puppy. He was extremely cute, but as expected, it was just like having an infant in the house.

My negativity has worn off during these three years as I’ve even almost forgiven him for eating my Family room carpet in three places.

Teddy has been a good dog and he has grown up along with the kids. He has learned quite a bit over time and has fallen into his routine.

He has fallen in love with Grandma Judy and loves going to visit her as much as the kids do.

Michelle is still his favorite, as he will follow at her heels all day long if he was allowed to. He has proven to be quite the soccer player with James in the back yard. He also enjoys nighttime with Madison, since she rarely moves or kicks at night, she has proven to be his perfect nighttime companion.

Slowly Teddy has broken down the barriers and taken over the household. One by one he pretty much has accomplished all of the “The Dog will never….” List.

This Christmas he gained what might be the last item on the list, by going on vacation with us to Ohio for Christmas. Fortunately, Teddy behaved, as well as, or better than the kids during the long van ride.

Teddy is definitely part of our family now.

Happy 3rd Birthday Teddy!

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